Casino Night a Success

By Lindsay Dodd

Elm Staff Writer

Last Saturday evening the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega hosted their annual Casino Night in the Casey Academic Center.

The philanthropy of Alpha Chi Omega is domestic violence and the sisters help spread awareness and help victims of domestic violence throughout the year. Casino night consisted of a variety of betting games such as black jack, roulette, and poker. Raffles were also held and this year a digital camera, a limited edition Joe Flacco bobble head, a basket with beauty products, a purse, and a membership to Pintail Point were all donated to the cause and raffled off. There was also a silent auction with a variety of baskets the sisters put together.

To spread domestic violence awareness in amongst the fun, a representative from Midshore set up a display called “A Mile in Her Shoes,” with the shoes and stories of women who have experienced domestic violence.

All of the proceeds from the event are given to the Midshore Council on Family Violence, a local organization which seeks to help victims break the cycle of domestic violence. They provide shelter, counseling, and services for anyone who comes to them for help. They also seek to promote awareness of domestic violence and to change society’s attitudes towards it. The sisters are still receiving donations and would like to present the grand total raised as a surprise to Midshore at the Domestic Violence memorial in October. The event was put on in collaboration with the Victimology class at Washington College.

The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega had a great turn out of parents, family, friends, students and faculty. Even President Reiss and his wife Elisabeth came out to show their appreciate for the sisters’ event. Alpha Chi Omega would like to thank all those who helped out, especially Michelle Moore, fund raising chair of AXO and Beth Anne Langrell.

2 thoughts on “Casino Night a Success

  1. I stumbled upon this post looking for some articles about Casinos, but upon reading that this was made for a good cause has made me want to comment on it.

    Spreading awareness is always welcome in any community, keep it up!

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