This Week in Greek

By Campbell McNicol
Elm Staff Writer

The past two weeks were highlights for sorority fundraising. Last week, the sisters of AOTT were lucky enough to have great weather and a fantastic turnout of about 370 people at their annual 5k walk/run in honor of sister Jasmine Queen. After all of their hard work, the sisters were able to raise over $2,000 dollars from both registered walk/runners and through other donations. “We just want to say thank you to everyone who came out and donated and made this event such a success,” said junior Emily Hudson.
The sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha, while decked out in pink, managed to raise $1,750 dollars through the “Pink Hair for Hope” campaign with the help of a local salon which came to campus. So far, the sisters have collected $560 dollars through all of their fundraising which will go towards their philanthropy of breast cancer research. The sisters aren’t done with their fundraising work though. They will still be collecting Yoplait Yogurt lids, and have already obtained close to 500 lids.

Alpha Chi Omega also rounded in their week with some fundraising for their philanthropy, the fight against domestic violence. The sisters held a Domestic Violence Memorial service. Lacy Gentry described the event as “very moving,” and also extended her gratitude to those who made the effort to come to the event. So far, Alpha Chi Omega has raised $418 dollars to be divided between donations to Mid Shore Counsel on Family Violence and the One Love foundation in honor of UVA lacrosse player, Yeardley Love. The sisters will be continuously selling T-shirts for $10 to keep raising money for both foundations. Please do not hesitate to contact Molly Norris, or any other sister of AXO if you are interested in buying a T-shirt to help support the sisters.

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