Students Express Their Faith at CCF

By Andrea Clarke
Elm Staff Writer

Christianity is flourishing at Washington College in a big way. Freshman Rachel Hughes said that “CCF is definitely one of the brightest highlights of my week.”

CCF stands for Campus Christian Fellowship, a student-orientated spiritual group that meets every Wednesday at 9 p.m. in the CAC Forum. This steadily growing club is non-denominational.

Hughes explained that the group “[gathers] to praise God, discuss scripture, visit with friends, eat lots of good snacks, and share our experiences and walks with God.”

Faculty advisor Professor James Siemen said CCF “gives a chance for people to develop spiritually without the need to go off campus.”

Siemen has taught psychology at WC for 33 years and has been with CCF for almost just as long. The idea was presented to him by one of his students and what began as a small group soon became a large community.

“The friends I have made in CCF have provided me with accountability and support,” said senior Meredith Young.
She added that, “[the meetings have] given me the opportunity to find friends in all majors and interact with people I wouldn’t otherwise see or think I have anything in common with.”

Sophomore Ryan Bankert said, “the atmosphere is really comfortable, everyone is friendly and I love coming in [and] seeing everyone smiling.”

Senior and club president Mandy Moore agreed. “The overall atmosphere is one of love and acceptance,” she said.

CCF is not supported by a church or any outside organization, nor does it cater to one specific faith. Despite this, Moore says that “[at each session] there is a little something for everyone . . . Each person has their own favorite part. I also think that each person can [see] some similarities to their own denomination’s worship style.”

Siemen agreed and observed that, “what unites us is far greater than what complicates or divides us. [Being non-denominational] has never been an issue.”

Bankert said, “for the most part, we drop our differences and worship together smoothly.”

Since its infancy, CCF members have created fun service activities that everyone can enjoy and participate in. Halloween candy bags are assembled and exchanged in the fall, followed by valentines in the winter that are given to soldiers and the homebound.

Sophomore Ellen Huffman said, “this spring, we are hoping to have a weekend retreat, possibly at Camp Pecometh in Centreville.”

The group also occasionally makes trips to Baltimore to attend concerts, such as last year’s performance of Casting Crowns. These events, coupled with a “calm, joyful place to go on campus,” help students like Huffman “manage [their] life and stay focused on God.”

Professor Siemen added that, “we are richly blessed by the college. They’ve helped fund many of the things we do. It’s been wonderful.”

Their biggest event, however, is being hosted this weekend. On Sunday, Feb. 6, the OSA is working together with CCF to put on a massive Super Bowl party. Last year the turnout was so impressive that they are moving it from the CAC Forum to the larger and more spacious Student Center. Activities start at 4 p.m. and last through the game. The Bake Club is supplying desserts and there will be plenty of food and drinks, not to mention prizes and a DJ.

“I had a great time last year and I’m so pumped to see the Steelers lose,” said Bankert. The party is alcohol-free and promises to be a fantastic evening. CCF also supports several independent Bible studies on campus. To learn more about men’s Bible study, contact and for women’s sessions contact or myoung3. Also, contact for information on “Christianity Explored”, a new group that focuses on the Gospel of Mark and does not ask its attendees to pray, sing, or read the Bible out loud.

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