November is For Moustaches and Fundraising: The brothers of Kappa Sigma grow moustaches for philanthropy

By Alexa Appel
Elm Staff Writer
The WC chapter of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity has been growing moustaches and putting out collection boxes for “Movember,” a campaign to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Participants start the month clean-shaven, then grow out moustaches for the entire month and raise sponsorship for it.

The campaign, founded in Melbourne, Australia, began in 2003, and has raised $174 million worldwide since then. Net funds from the various national movements go to the Movember project and then to prostate cancer and other male cancer initiatives, as well as partner funds the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG.

“Apart from prostate cancer, Movember also aims to improve men’s health by helping them be more open about health issues and to increase early detection and diagnosis and treatment through a fun way to raise the issues,” as stated in’s health page. The Fraternity has joined to help support prostate cancer research, growing moustaches and selling artificial ones for extra profit. “Over this month we’ve collected over $30 in change,” said junior Zac Pandl.

“So for what it is, it’s fairly successful.” Senior Mike Zurawski agreed. “We made more today before Thanksgiving break.” Most of the money came in loose change- pennies, quarters and such- though they were also selling toy false mous- taches at the table for a dollar each. When asked how participation started, junior Trent Lesh mentioned that the Fraternity service chair found it online, and an alumnus emailed the facts.

“October hits hard with the breast cancer awareness, but just as many people are hit with prostate cancer, and it’s kind of overlooked,”said Lesh. Zurawski
agreed that “Prostate cancer- any cancer- hits home with a lot of people, and it’s something people could relate to without bypass- ing the cause.”
“It reminds people that there are things outside of school to get involved in,” said Pandl. Senior Burt Giannaccini added,“everybody loves a good moustache, and it’s a sign of cancer support. Maybe when you see a moustache, you’ll think of prostate cancer.”
When asked what Movember adds to the com- munity, Zurawski said “It shows guests we are passionate about the charities we do and philanthropies we participate in.” “Hopefully it just raises some awareness for prostate cancer,” said Lesh. “All charities are important, and it always helps.” Hopefully, Movember has helped raise awareness on campus of men’s health issues, particularly one that affects so many people.

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