“Why I Relay. . .”

“I joined Relay for Life because of my grandfather, who died from Lung Cancer when I was six years old. Then just two months ago my mother had a small skin cancer tumor removed, but fortunately it was the most common and least dangerous type, Basal Cell Carcinoma. My paternal grandmother has been living for years with a form of of Leukemia, while my paternal grandfather, great uncle and a very close family friend are living with Prostate Cancer; this uncle was also recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, and I lost a 2nd cousin to Breast Cancer last year before Christmas. So I Relay for all the people in my family currently living with cancer, the survivors, and for those who died from cancer.” – sophomore Ana Lipson,Relay Fundraising Committee Member

“I Relay in honor of my pappy, Elmer Lee Smith. He died of Pancreatic cancer July 18, 2009. He was diagnosed in late May of 2009 and was gone within a month. I watched my pap go from a young 77 year old, who still acted like he was in his 20’s, to an old man you couldn’t even stand to eat or get up from his chair. He was so brave and all I wanted to do was be the support he needed; however, he ended up supporting me. He told me “Bell I know the outcome, just be happy I’ll be in heaven; I’m at peace with this.” I know every person has their hardships, but to my family and I, the loss of my pap was devastating and I miss him so much even to this day. I Relay, and bring awareness to this cause so granddaughters, daughters, wives, and friends do not have to watch their idol suffer and have no control of the outcome. Every little bit counts and I want to continue to bring honor to the wonderful life of my Pappy.” – junior Isabell Blakey, Relay Publicity Committee Member

To sign-up your team visit: www.events.cancer.org/washingtoncollege

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