Did You Do It? Students Worry over Infamous Sassafrass Coffee Spill and the Culprit

By Aub Hast
Worried Sassafras Resident

We all have seen the “Did you do it?” signs all around campus. Have you been wondering what it is all in reference to? The students of Sassafrass Dorm understand best of all.

About three weeks ago, the students on the third floor of Sassafrass awoke to a spilled cup of coffee as they walked down the stairwell. Avoiding the splattered coffee became the obstacle course to get down the steps quickly in the rush to morning classes. Many understood that accidents happen and there is no need to cry over spilled coffee, many just jumped over it with a burst of “eww,” and went about their way.

Then a day went by. Then two more days passed. The span of a week shortly flew by in the whirlwind of college obligations. It has now been three weeks since the coffee was first discovered in the stairwell, and the spill still remains.
Some now avoid that stairwell all together, others use it as an excuse to constantly resort to the elevator. Shortly after the three week anniversary of the mess, signs began to pop up around campus asking the question: “Did you do it?”
That is the question resounding in all Sassafrass resident’s minds, did you do it? How much more time will go by that the spill will linger in the stairwell? An anonymous student placed the signs around to try to get the answers that the residents have all been pondering since the morning of the spill.

So, “did you do it?” If the spill continues to remain on the stairwell it is uncertain what will become of it. How long can the coffee spill stay before it eats through the stairwell? Will it become a permanent trademark of the Sassafrass Dorm?
“We want the person who fumbled their coffee that morning to step up and be a man,” said a student from Sassafrass Dorm. “Own up to the mess and do us all a favor would you? Just clean it up.”

The maker of these signs hopes that as the perpetrator turns at every corner of the campus he or she will be haunted by the very question everyone wants an answer to – “did you do it?” Perhaps this will finally compel the guilty coffee-spiller to clean up his or her mess and Sassafrass third floor Residents will wake up to find the spill mysteriously vanished, just as quickly as it appeared.

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