‘Mini- ER’ to Health Center- STAT: Lisa Marx Welcomed as WC’s New Director of Health Services

By Megan McCurdy
Elm staff writer

Former flight nurse Lisa Marx is used to working in high-flying and fast-paced environments, but her feet are planted firmly on the grounds of Washington College’s campus as she begins work as the new director of Health Services.

Marx, an Eastern Shore native, joined the Washington College community two years ago as a part-time member of the Health Services staff. When the director position opened up, Marx gladly took on the new title. Her first day as director was Aug. 6.

After receiving her Bachelor of Science and Master of Science from Wilmington College in Delaware, she went on to work in Salisbury’s Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s emergency room.

Early in her career she also worked as an air flight nurse. Her medical training included critical care transport and Marx said it was a “fun, part time deal” for her to work in what she described as a “mini ER.” Marx brings 25 years of medical experience to the Health Center and is happy to be part of the campus community.

Like many other college departments, the Health Center is planning some new programming and is working on revamping health services offered to students.
“We’d like to incorporate new health education and promotions as well as campus awareness of health initiatives,” said Marx. “But our main goal right now is to offer good clinical care to the students.” Despite the college’s small population, the Health Center has already seen students with various illnesses.

With confirmed cases of both Swine Flu and West Nile Virus in Kent County, Marx added, “We’d like to keep the campus as healthy as possible. Prevention is key.”

The Health Center will be holding two flu shot clinics in the coming weeks. The first will be held on Sept. 27 and will target athletes and coaches while the second, to be held on Oct. 4, will be for the general college population. Marx encourages students to stop by the clinic and get their flu shot, which also helps protect against the Swine Flu, or H1N1.

As of now, Marx is the only nurse practitioner in the college’s health center, and she has had to temporarily bow out of her part time work at Chester River Hospital. After years of 10 hour shifts in an emergency room and with her son now in kindergarten, “it’s a new schedule,” said Marx. “I was used to working long shifts, so it’s new to be up in the morning with my son and get him ready for school.”

Marx resides in Centreville with her husband, her son, and their two Chesapeake Bay retrievers. Her other interests include photography and mixed martial arts, but during her free time, she prefers to spend time outdoors.

“I’m just a regular Eastern Shore farm girl,” she said.

She and her family enjoy camping, hiking, and hunting occasionally. While the Eastern Shore offers many opportunities for outdoor activities, Marx said she also likes to travel. “We’ve been camping in Shenandoah and down in Tennessee,” she said.

Marx’s office is located in Health Services between Caroline and Queen Anne’s residence halls.

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