By Sarah Masker
Copy Editor
1.) It would be so easy to blame your parents for all your problems, but filing a lawsuit for a lack of love might be going a little too far. A 32-year-old Brooklyn man is suing his parents, claiming they didn’t love him enough and this neglect caused him to be homeless and unemployed. According to Bernard Bey, his parents made him feel “unloved and beaten by the world.” He told reporters, “You’re expected to love your children.” He also said he is willing to drop the lawsuit if his family will simply sit down at the dinner table with him. Hugs all around!
2.) Technology can really screw up sometimes, and every now and then, it causes some major problems. Dallas firefighters were called to the Dallas zoo after a malfunction with the monorail stranded 93 passengers. When the firefighters showed up at the scene, they used five extension ladders to remove all of the passengers in about half an hour. There were no injuries reported and the zoo has yet to comment about the incident. Guys, just think of it as a little publicity.
3.) Note to self: if ever a guest at the Oscars, don’t throw paper airplanes. After Disney’s “Paperman” won the Academy Award for best animated short, producer Kristina Reed threw a few paper airplanes from her seat in the mezzanine. Security wasn’t amused and kicked her out of the Dolby Theatre auditorium even though the airplanes didn’t go anywhere near the stage. After a short protest, security agreed to allow her to return to her seat about five to 10 minutes later. Lesson of the day: winning awards won’t make you exempt from the rules.
4.) Given the issues with commercial meat over the years, it’s probably safe to assume that whatever is in that burger probably isn’t beef. Why worry about horse meat when it could actually be water buffalo, donkey, or goat? South African food scientists have found all three in mislabeled food items, including beef burgers, ground beef, and sausages. A recently published study found that 68 percent of 139 samples contained species not declared in the product. People better start getting their acts together or there will be a spike in vegetarianism.
5.) Most people don’t really dream of hiking Everest. Those that do probably only expect to summit once. Summiting twice in one week… that’s just crazy. It’s also a Guinness World Record. Twenty-nine-year-old Nepalese mountaineer Chhurim climbed Mount Everest (29,035 ft.) twice in the same climbing season, just one week apart. Chhurim said there are not as many women mountaineers as men, and only a few of them have records. She said, “The male mountaineers have set many records but women have fallen behind. It can be difficult for women because they are considered not as strong as men.” Ladies, grab those hiking boots.