By Sophie Grabiec
Elm Staff Writer
Sophomore Kasey Buck just finished her second field hockey season and is looking forward to spring for her second softball season at Washington College.
She has some insight into what it means to be a dual sport athlete. Playing one collegiate sport while tackling academic demands can be challenging, but playing two increases the need for skills in time management and prioritization.

“One piece of advice I have is to get as much work for the week done as you can on Saturday and Sunday, it makes the week go by more smoothly if you aren’t staying up until 2 a.m. cramming and writing papers every night,” said Buck.
By planning ahead and taking advantage of free time on the weekends, Buck manages to play two sports, hold a part-time job, participate as an active member of Relay for Life and Dia de Futbol, and support her friends in other clubs by attending their events when she can.
Buck was originally recruited to WC to play field hockey, but after speaking to former Head Field Hockey Coach Rachel Boyle and expressing her passion for softball as well, Boyle was able to connect Buck and Head Softball Coach Lacey Lister.
“It was always my plan to play both because I would never be able to pick just one; I am very happy it was able to work out, especially at my number one school,” said Buck.

The shift between the sports was shocking at first.
“The transition my freshman year was very hard. I was used to hanging out with these 25 girls every day for months, and then all of a sudden I was thrown in with different 15 girls, most of whom I had never met before,” she said.
Buck stressed the need for staying connected with your teams in the offseason in order to stay tied to each one. To any students considering the possibility of playing two sports, Buck said, “I stress the importance of constantly keeping in contact with your teammates as they progress through their offseason, and to keeping in contact with your coach so you don’t miss any team bonding activities or team meetings.”
Buck’s positive attitude paired with her drive to work hard in all aspects of her career at WC allow for her to successfully pursue her passions. Although playing two sports has its stresses, the ability to play her two favorite games makes the hard work worthwhile. Her love of both sports and the flexibility of the athletic program allows Buck, and many other two-sport athletes, to compete in not just one passion, but two.