Pet of the Week: Chance

By Madison Bendistis
Elm Staff Writer
This week, meet Chance. Chance is an adoptable three-and-a-half-year-old pit bull at the Humane Society of Kent County. Chance has brown fur, beautiful eyes, and a sweet soul. Kennel technician Terry Lindsey Jr. said that Chance is, “a very good dog, just nervous. After a treat or two, however, Chance is more trusting and eager to play with anyone.
Chance has made a lot of progress since she first arrived at the shelter. Lindsey said, “She was in the drop room one morning. It was her and another pit bull, we think it might’ve been her sister. Her name was Lucky.” Lucky has since been adopted, but Chance is still awaiting her forever home. When the dogs were first left at the shelter, “Of course they were both very scared, we couldn’t get anywhere near them,” Lindsey said. Luckily, the staff at the shelter are used to dealing with scared  dogs. “They finally got them out of the drop room and got them into the kennels, and after probably three or four days she came around and we were able to walk her.”


Chance has become increasingly trusting of people since she was initially dropped off. “She’s getting better and better. I’m surprised she’s still here, actually,” Lindsey said. “It might be best if she went with an experienced dog owner because she’s so nervous.” This way, Chance can truly be at her happiest. Lindsey said, “But, other than that, she’s a pretty good dog. I spend a lot of time with her and I really like her.”
Chance loves other dogs and gets along very well with cats. She would do well in a home with someone who is willing and able to make her less skittish around people. “She’s really playful, but she’s a little scared at first. The other day we had her out in the yard and at first she was scared [of the toy], but then she was so happy she wanted to leave [the yard] with it,” Lindsey said. Chance will likely become similarly attached to her future family once she gets over her nerves.
If anyone in the Chestertown community, Washington College faculty and staff members, or even students with families are interested in adopting Chance, feel free to contact the Humane Society of Kent County by calling 410-778-3648 or by emailing

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