High Turnout For Sorority Recruitment

By Abby Wargo
Student Life Editor

From Feb. 1-5, approximately 80 girls participated in Recruitment Week for the three sororities on campus. The Panhellenic Council, which organizes and plans recruitment from a position of neutrality, helped the process go smoothly, and almost all 80 girls ended up with a bid by the end of the week.
Senior Julia Zheng, president of Panhellenic, said, “During the entire process, we tried to be extremely respectful of the Potential New Members (PNM) time while trying to give the sororities enough time to properly prepare for their events. As a result, this year’s recruitment process was compressed to really just four days…rather than one week as it has been in the past.”
The entire week was representative of the core values held by each sorority. Wednesday, Feb. 1 was a day for introductions, and the rest of the week served to help the PNMs get to know each sorority.
Thursday, Feb 2. was sisterhood night. Zheng said, “This is a day where the sororities showed the PNMs what sisterhood meant to them and how they became the great organization that they are on campus.”
On Friday, Feb. 3, each sorority presented their philanthropy. “[They] demonstrated that Greek life is not all about fun and games, it is also about giving back,” Zheng said.
Saturday Feb. 4 was formal night during which each sorority reinforced what their chapters meant to them.
“These days help the sororities see what type of women they want to accept into their chapter and also help the PNMs determine where home is for them.”
Sunday, Feb. 5 was Bid Day, the most exciting day of the process.
“On the Kent lawn, each sorority is dressed up in a theme and happily chanting their songs while excitedly waiting to accept their new members home. After all the PNMs accept their bids, they all run out of Hodson onto the lawn towards their respective homes,” Zheng said.
Freshman Meaghan Manna, a Zeta Tau Alpha recruit, said, “Recruitment for me was completely eye-opening. I came to Washington College totally against recruitment. I did not think that sorority life was for me at all.”
She then met several girls involved with Greek life, and began to consider the possibility.
“I went to the Meet the Greeks events in the fall, and I decided that I’d sign up for recruitment in the spring and just see what came of it,” she said. “The week of recruitment was one of the most exhausting weeks of my life, but it was so fulfilling. I am so happy with my decision to rush, and I could not be any happier than to have found such amazing sisters in Zeta. I found my home, and I am grateful every day for it.”
Zheng said, “Greek life is a great way to give back to the community and make friends along the way. Although Greek life may not be suited for everyone and that is 100 percent okay, there is no harm in going through the recruitment process and gaining a first hand perspective of what going Greek is all about.”

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