Career Center Welcomes Bliss

By Cassandra Sottile
Elm Staff Writer
Georgina Bliss is the newest member of the Center for Career Development.
Bliss first met Career Center director Lisa Moody through an ad in the Chestertown Chamber of Commerce. Bliss is a volunteer educator for the UMMD Extension office and sits on the Soft Skills Forum. UMMD Educator Elizabeth Hill encouraged Bliss to reach out to Washington College to promote the forum.
After presenting a workshop, “Handling Multiple Offers and Negotiating Salary,” Bliss took a position as career coach.
“I jumped at the opportunity to work with WC students again. It has been really exciting to learn about the depth and breadth of programming available through the Center for Career Development,” Bliss said.
Though she is only here for the spring semester, Georgina is certainly leaving a good impression on WC students and the Center for Career Development team.
“I enjoy brainstorming with people as a coordinated team and really love working with and passing on my experience to students,” Bliss said.
Prior to joining the Career Center’s staff, Bliss had a long history of working at Prestige Products in New York City. She also owned and managed two entrepreneurial businesses.
“Working in those businesses prepared me well to guide young people through their career journey. I have to sell myself, my husband’s skill, and our companies every day. It is a 24/7 job,” she said.
One of the businesses, Retail Connection LLC, is a full service project management business that covers retail construction. Bliss’s agency caters to various unique projects, ranging from staffing a Cyber Security Conference, to working with a top-drawer publication in New York, to designing an in-store retailer program.
In her businesses, Bliss has managed retail construction processes all over the world. To accomplish this, she learned to adapt to her clients’ computer platforms, corporate environments, working styles, and business hours.
“I want to advertise that we want to be seamless in our transition with their teams,” she said.
An example of this is her work with a Hawaiian market based in Zurich, Switzerland for multinational men’s luxury goods, whose hours are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. This time difference required Bliss to send emails in French at around 3 a.m.

Georgina Bliss
Georgina Bliss has joined the Center for Career Development staff for the spring semester.

“That’s what you do to stay in the game when you manage your own enterprise. Without strong communication in all facets, from LinkedIn to snail mail, we will not keep nor cultivate accounts,” Bliss said.
Her experience interacting with many clients and working with large companies has taught her how to confront both hiring and firing challenges, as well as how to filter through numerous resumés.
“I am amazed by the myriad of vetted externship/internship options here at the College. I look forward to introducing students to all these amazing possibilities and teaching them how to build a solid and effective resumé.”
In addition to her 30-year career, Bliss recently became professionally certified in Digital Marketing and plans to take the Google Analytics exam later this year. With these additional skills, she hopes to transfer some of her energy to students to help them “develop career equity and career karma.”
Bliss reports to Moody, who praised the newest member of staff.
“Georgina has been an absolute pleasure to work with in the Center for Career Development,”  she said. “Her previous job and industry knowledge has been extremely beneficial in helping students with the job searching process. Her dedication to this role has been so welcomed, and she has embraced the students at the College as if she has been here [for] years.”

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