By Jilly Horaneck
Elm Staff Writer
Washington College will hold its seventh annual Relay for Life on Friday, April 21.
In an email sent out to students, President Sheila Bair said, “Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer.”
According to the organization’s website, www.relayforlife. org, Relay for Life is, “a team fundraising event where team members take turns walking around a track or designated path.”
The night starts off with a welcome to all participants.
Then, people who have been affected by cancer are invited to begin to walk the track. They are followed by caregivers before finally, all participants are welcomed to walk. Once people start walking, other activities start. This year, junior Mackenzie Gaze and sophomore Sabrina Jenkins are organizing Relay for Life at WC.
“Students usually form teams, and one person from each team must be walking on the track at all times. Teams also have the opportunity to run tables at the event. At the tables, teams can fundraise for the event by doing things such as bake sales, raffles, or games. Our Relay for Life team will also run events every half hour or so to keep the event going, such as celebrations, speeches, Zumba, or eating contests,” said Jen- kins.
A couple hundred students come to participate in the event as well as members of the Chestertown community every year.
“Relay for Life helps WC and the Chestertown community by bringing the communities together to remember loved ones lost, honor survivors of all cancers, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society make a global impact on cancer. WC participates in Relay for Life to support cancer survivors. We all know (or at least know of) someone whose life was affected by cancer– our own club advisor, Dr. Erin Anderson, is a cancer survivor herself. We believe it’s import- ant to have an event on campus that allows students to re- member loved ones lost and honor survivors of all cancers.”
To learn more about Relay for Life and the team here at WC, visit
Any questions about the event can be sent via email to either Gaze,, or Jenkins, sjenkins2@