By Rosie Alger
Opinion Editor
This issue’s Hero of the Week pays homage to the Washington College Women’s League for bringing us another semester of exam care packages, carefully packed and handed out with a smile in Hodson.
These care packages have gotten many students through the trials and tribulations of studying for finals. With late night paper writing and frantic group study sessions, the snacks could not come at a better time.
Parents can buy these amazing boxes of Ramen and Hershey’s Kisses for their students as a surprise, and while the gift is much appreciated by their children, the true gratitude should go to the ladies who make the whole event happen.
If you did recieve a snack box from a parent or loved one this semester, be sure to also thank the women at the collection table who took the time to create this gift for you.
Personally, I know I always look forward to the day my care package arrives. Here’s hoping they contain Sunchips.