Just a Gander: Let’s Talk About Love

By Dan Teano Lifestyle Editor Ready or not, love will come—or so we think. Most of us…

Birthday Ball Prep Part 1: Make Your Skin Glow

By Victoria Cline Elm Staff Writer In a few weeks, we will be celebrating George Washington with a…

Grammys Outrage: A Continuing Problem With Inclusivity

By Erin Caine Senior Writer This year’s Grammy Awards stirred up many viewers’ disapproval and frustration when…

GUMC Partners with WC

By Taylor Patterson Elm Staff Writer A new partnership between Washington College and Georgetown University Medical Center presents…

Pet of the Week: Raven

By Madison Bendistis Elm Staff Writer Don’t be fooled by this week’s pet’s name; Raven is not a…

WC Goes Up in WSJ Higher Ed. Ranks

By Cassandra Sottile Elm Staff Writer Washington College rose three points in the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education…

Natalie Diaz Reads, Creates With WC

By Abby Wargo News Editor Dr. James Allen Hall, associate professor of English and director of the…

WC Staff Changes Occur for Spring

By Brooke Schultz Editor-in-Chief The mid-year changes to staff in the Office of Student Engagement and Residential…

Possible LSD Overdose

By Abby Wargo News Editor A Washington College student was hospitalized after ingesting what authorities believed to…

Letter to the Editor: Response to Concerns over Mount Vernon Trip

Dear Editor,   In response to Olivia Libowitz’s story “Senior Disappointed by Threat to WC Tradition”…