By Jack Despeaux
Student Life Editor
Freshman, you’re coming off of the ride of a lifetime: your first semester in college. Yet, there is still so much you haven’t experienced quite yet: Birthday Ball, May Day, spring clubs and sports, and high schoolers on campus tours. Have no fear, because here is your very own Spring Semester Guide for freshmen.
First off, Birthday Ball. Consider it to be your yearly prom, but with the dangers of winter weather and the liveliness of college students.
Make sure to know what kind of weather you will be dealing with. Recently the route to the Johnson Fitness Center has been plagued with sheets of ice. You may even practice your dance moves by trying to keep your footing on the ice on the way there. Gabby Leach, senior, said to bring comfortable shoes for dancing and walking.
Leach said that students should go with a group of friends to keep watch over each other. If you are over 21 and there is any driving, make sure there is a trusted designated driver to keep everyone safe, should you drink.
Grace Kim, senior, said the College provides food.
“Take advantage of the free food, and the midnight breakfast,” she said, “The crab dip is delicious. If there’s no crab dip, why bother coming?”
When you first heard of WC, one could bet that you did not hear about the traditional naked escapade through the Campus Green. May Day is a fun but intimidating experience.
Leach said freshmen should “give it a chance, at least once.”
She said that if you don’t feel comfortable, then you can at least support those who do choose to experience May Day.
Kim said that you don’t have to go completely nude to May Day, and it is always best to go with friends. She said that you should take every precaution to not lock yourself out of your dorm that night, or else you may have an awkward conversation with Public Safety.
Kim said, “No body shaming,” as it is of the utmost importance to be respectful during May Day, and throughout the WC community.
Freshman, remember how you were just in high school? And how you really never have to return to high school if you never want to? Don’t you fear, high school will come to you. Every spring, visiting high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors from all across the country will be taking a look at what WC has to offer them.
Kim said to make sure to give them a good impression, and be kind and available to the visiting students. She said to remember how impressionable you were when you visited WC for the first time, and remember how much high schoolers want to be in college. To them, college students are fun, cool, and intelligent role models, so WC students can do their best to maintain that image for them.
“Give them a good impression,” Leach said. She said that you should be sure to be open to answering high schoolers’ questions, and be honest with them. They are in the midst of making a major decision in their lives, so your honest opinion will be taken very seriously.
Kim said that, “you could also run in the opposite direction” if you choose.
Freshman, spring semester is a wonderful time. The sun comes back, and suddenly everyone wants to be outside in the great weather. The end of winter can be bleak, but you may be surprised with how happy and fun the spring will be on a college campus.
Spring semester also opens up the opportunity to watch the school’s lacrosse, baseball, and softball teams play. There will be new intramural sports that will be announced by Nicholas Moon, Coordinator of Campus Recreation, via email, and those are a great way to get outside and enjoy oneself in times of stress.
Lastly, freshman, this guide would like to offer you the opportunity to have fun your spring semester. This is the last time that you will get the chance to experience Birthday Ball, May Day, and much more for the first time. Make it a memorable and enjoyable first spring semester.