[envira-gallery id=”16294″] The southwest photography trip, organized by director of the Digital Media Services Brian Palmer,…
Day: March 22, 2018
Thrill of the Chase: Equestrian Team Hosts Annual Foxchase
By Katy Shenk Elm Staff Writer Washington College’s Equestrian Club rounded out their spring break by participating in…
1,132 Miles From Miami Beach and Spring Break Fun: How Students Who Remain on Campus Spend Their Break Time in Beautiful Chestertown, Maryland
By Jack Despeaux Elm Staff Writer The most exciting places to be during spring break are the…
Student Spotlight: Anna Gjertsen’s Studies and Passions in Balance
By Isabella Sansanelli Elm Staff Writer As a peer mentor, dance instructor and teaching assistant, this week’s student…
WC Earns Conservationist of the Year Award, Accepts at D.C. on the Half Shell Gala
By Taylor Patterson Elm Staff Writer Being environmentally conscious is one thing that Washington College has always prided…
English Department Adds Junior Seminar to Catalog
By Cassandra Sottile Elm Staff Writer Washington College English majors now have an opportunity to grow closer…
Experimental Learning Turns Back Clock: Students Travel to Colonial Williamsburg to Practice Blacksmithing
By Lori Wysong Elm Staff Writer The opportunity to learn blacksmithing doesn’t come every day. Over spring break,…
Changes to Chemistry Curriculum
By Cassandra Sottile Elm Staff Writer It’s the year of change for academics at Washington College. The chemistry…
Trial Date for Student Arson Threat Postponed Again
By Abby Wargo News Editor The court date for a Washington College student being tried for threat…
Student, Staff Task Force to Re-Evaluate and Update Substance Use Policy on Campus
By Madison Myers Elm Staff Writer Previous Honor Board Chair and newly elected Student Government Association President Victoria…