The New “Bewitched” has Something to Say: What Will a Modern Reboot of the Beloved 1964 Fantasy Sitcom Look Like?

By Erin Caine Lifestyle Editor The fantastically mundane “Bewitched,” a beloved American television sitcom from the…

Goose Nest Lounge and Office Renovations Near Completion

By Olivia Montes Elm Staff Writer For the past several weeks, Yerkes Construction has been hard…

Public Safety and CPD Respond to Recent Crimes

By Lori Wysong News Editor Over the course of last week, Washington College students received several…

Field Hockey Falls to the Mustangs

By Chrissy Segrest Elm Staff Writer On Saturday, Sept. 8, the Washington College field hockey team…

Amazon Passes $1 Trillion Value, Highlights Issues of Capitalism

By Theodore Mattheiss Opinion Editor Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, recently became the…