‘Without beginning or end:’ ‘Apeiron’ brings philosophical pieces to life

edited.AllisonHinshaw_DavidRascoe_JessieNguyen_PhilosophyJournal_RebeccaKanaskie2.jpgBy Olivia Montes

Elm Staff Writer

As the fall semester comes to an end, students can continue their intellectual pursuits by submitting to the upcoming issue of “Apeiron,” Washington College’s religion and philosophy journal, according to junior Allison Hinshaw, a member of Philosophy Club and editor for the journal’s Spring 2019 issue.

“The journal is called ‘Apeiron,’ which is Greek for unlimited, infinite, indeterminate, unbounded, without form, without beginning or end,” she said.

Hinshaw also explained how “Apeiron” is a place for students to seek advice and guidance from ancient sources of knowledge.

“‘Apeiron’ provides a philosophical space for WC students, a space which lies at the heart of ‘liberal arts’,” Hinshaw said. “It analyzes and pulls into focus all the other disciplines: it might include studies of the philosophy of art, of literature, of science, of math, of music, of sports.”

According to Professor Peter Weigel, associate professor of philosophy and religion, faculty advisor of Philosophy Club, and copy editor of “Apeiron,” the journal has appeared since 2002-03 but with exceptional gaps in some years.

“Over the years some student articles have been reprinted in national-level student journals, such as in Dialogue, the journal for Phi Sigma Tau National Honor Society in Philosophy,” he said.

This semester’s issue of “Apeiron” addressed topics including human manipulation versus the natural order, disability in society, and the influence of the environment in existentialism.

Junior and President of Philosophy Club David Rascoe published a paper in the fall edition originally written in his Biomedical Ethics class.

“I discuss and critique the social and cultural stigma that has been placed on people with disabilities since the inception of western civilization,” he said.

Though the journal isn’t the direct focus of the Philosophy Club, Hinshaw explained that “Apeiron” has provided and encouraged members to submit and share their ideas.

“Both the club and the journal have the same intention: to make the fruits of philosophy widely available and to encourage unconstrained, student-driven philosophical thinking, writing, and discussing, in ways that are both personal and professional,” Hinshaw said.

Many members of Philosophy Club are involved in encouraging submissions, writing, and editing the journal.

“The philosophy and religion department support it, but student editors traditionally determine the content and as much of the production process as feasible,” Weigel said.

Hinshaw views past issues as windows into the general philosophical mood at WC during a particular time.

“Looking through previous editions means catching glimpses of what was important to students at the time, and so I am looking forward to seeing what questions draw our attention in the present and future editions,” she said.

Submissions to “Apeiron” are due by Dec. 17 and can be sent to Hinshaw at ahinshaw2@washcoll.edu.

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