SGA hosts annual open house

edited.Grayscale_SGAOpenHouse4_HeberGuerra-RecinosBy Victoria Gill

Elm Staff Writer

Even on a small scale, the government exists for the people.

The Student Government Association (SGA) hosted their annual open house this past Thursday to talk with some of their constituents.

The event took place in the new SGA office in Hodson, a facility that finished construction last semester.

At the open house, students were able to discuss with several current officers what exactly the SGA does, student government in general and ask about specific positions.

According to their page on the Washington College website, the SGA is made up of student leaders who look to empower the voices of others throughout the campus community. 

Senior Lisa Hamilton, who serves as the director of communications and office management, said that she enjoys being a member of the SGA because it provides a service.

“It helps provide a voice to the students concerns and make a change on campus,” Hamilton said.

The SGA serves as a functioning office within the College that oversees 90 clubs and students’ organizations with its budgetary resources, according to the WC website. Hamilton’s job is to track the minutes of the weekly senate meetings and run SGA social media.

“We want to better the student experience at WC,” junior Nick Gottemoller, SGA Parliamentarian, said.

This is especially true with regard to the relationship between the faculty and students. The SGA members said they all feel like a bridge between these two groups. 

Gottemoller started as a senator before he worked his way into his current position. As Parlimentarian, he helps activate clubs and budgets and facilitates weekly SGA meetings and the elections for President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House. This year, SGA elections will be held in March.

“It opens your eyes to see how complex government can work,” Gottemoller said, “See it, and how it works at a small level.” 

Gottemoller said he is excited to work on new resolutions with the Review Board this semester. 

One of these resolutions has to do with pushing mental health awareness and treatment on campus. Senior Victoria Cline, SGA president, said this topic is a priority.

Cline said she’d like to generate those resolutions, and “the easiest way is to talk to any of us in the SGA,” or if a student would like to go to a faculty member, SGA members are willing to go with you. “We can point you in the right direction,” Cline said.

Cline has previously served as the SGA secretary of social life and honor board chair, positions which she feels have prepared her to pass mental health resolutions. This early start at higher positions, Cline said, exposed her to the shadowing of the elected SGA officials.

“There are so many … who box people into labels. College lets you break free and I’d like to see these conversations,” Cline said.

Senate meetings are open to the student-body. They take place in Goldstein 100 on Tuesdays nights at 8pm.

“We can make [WC] better by being together,” Cline said.

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