Tips and tricks for memorization to give your brain a break







By Amanda Gabriel
Senior Writer

As hard as our brains are constantly working, they could definitely use a boost every now and again.
When it comes to studying for tests, effective memorization techniques are absolutely essential.
So for those lacking a strong memory, here are a few tips to try before your next assignment:
Handwrite your notes, or check out a font called “Sans Forgetica.” Most studies have shown that handwriting your notes has proven to be more effective than typing them.
When you are physically writing notes with a pen and paper, there is a certain closeness present between you and the page that is not present when typing. Your brain is focused on telling your hands to move to the rhythm of the words.
Typing, on the other hand, has you pressing keys on a keyboard that all feel basically the same.
For those who can’t bear to part from their devices, though, a new font called “Sans Forgetica” was recently developed.
It was created by a team of scientists from RMIT University to help students better remember their notes.
Since the typeface is more difficult to read than Times New Roman or other standard fonts, it stimulates your brain by forcing it to engage.
Create acronyms or associations. By making your own acronyms or associations between a topic and a specific object, your brain is more likely to remember that object and can then make the easy connection back to the original topic.
If you try to stuff your mind with random words or subjects, it becomes much more difficult to retain anything later.
Use repetition or a song. Try writing down what you need to remember multiple times, or use flashcards as a form of repetition.
Repeating what you need to know before you go to bed is the best way to commit something to memory, as sleep is tied to learning, and it gives your mind time to process things.
Additionally, creating a song is another association that can help your brain remember. Think of how many different songs you know the lyrics to; it’s because music is generally associated with emotions, and it is easier to generate memories from emotions.
Stay motivated and go to the gym. Although this technique may be the most unconventional on the list, it is important to give your body a break in the middle of studying.
And it’s just as important to use that break effectively. Working out allows your body to increase oxygen flow, allowing for more overall stimulation and proper brain function.
Aerobic exercise such as running produces a protein, cathepsin B, which is important for neuron growth and forming new connections in the brain essential to memorization.
Overall, there are a lot of options out there that you can use to strengthen your memory.
Some have proven more effective than others, but ultimately figuring out what works best for you through trial and error is the best technique.

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