Goose Nation Family reunion brings back alumni

edited.FieldHockey_AlumniGame_RebeccaKanaskie3By Isabella Sansanelli

Elm Staff Writer

Along with admitted students day, alumni weekend, and the notorious War on the Shore lacrosse game, there were also a plethora of fall-sport alumni games that took place.

The men’s soccer team, women’s soccer team, and field hockey team all competed in alumni games over the weekend.

The men’s soccer alumni lost in a 3-1 game on Saturday, April 13 against the current Shoremen.

“We got dominated for most of the match,” said Pat O’Neal class of 2019. “While it was a ragtag bunch of alumni (some in better shape than others), the team looked very sharp. They possessed and moved the ball extremely well and created lots of chances on goal. With the score aside, it was a fantastic event getting to reconnect with former teammates and members of the WC soccer community.”

However, the alumni were not the only ones that enjoyed the game.

Sophomore Frankie Koons said “It was great to see some of the alumni I used to play with come back and to get to play a bit again.  I look forward to doing this when I graduate the program one day, too.”

Additionally, the women’s soccer team had their own celebration of alumnae with their alumnae game also taking place on Saturday, April 13.

“It was a great chance to reconnect with the girls and play the sport that I miss the most,” said Lindsay Russell, class of 2019.  “I know this is something I am going to come back and participate in every year.”

Lastly, the women’s field hockey team had their own alumnae game, many of their participants also from the 2019 graduating class who recently layed in the 2018 season.

  Senior Clare Ingersoll said, “I loved coming back and playing with the girls again.  It is something I have missed in the last few months and will definitely continue to miss well after I officially graduate.”

“Alumni and alumnae  games are a great way to show appreciation for our graduated athletes and extended WC athletics family,” said junior Jessie Willey. “I love seeing the WC pride that runs in past field hockey players.”

The alumni games will continue to take place annually in the hope that WC can have the same great turnout that WC Athletics seems to have every year.

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