“The Twilight Zone” makes its TV return

By Amanda Gabriel

Senior Writer

Horror media has always been saturated by movies and TV shows that are heavy on the jump scares and light on story, but that trend seems to be on its way out these days.

After all, it’s the shows and films that force us to question our conceptions of reality—our very being—which make for the best horror tales.

This can surely be found in the newest revival of Rod Serling’s iconic anthology series, “The Twilight Zone.” In other words: Move over, “Black Mirror.” The original head-scratcher horror is back to reclaim its rightful throne.

After a long absence from the small screen, the classic sci-fi thriller is making a comeback. This will mark the series’ third official revival.

The series will air on CBS, following an anthology format like its predecessors.

Many longtime fans are excited to see what kinds of new situations the characters will be thrust into, considering that it’s been over a decade and a half since the second revival ended.

The original iteration of the show began in 1959, under the supervision and narrative prowess of Serling. The iconic black and white vignettes dominated horror and drama television for decades.

Generations grew up on “The Twilight Zone,” ultimately inspiring a number of directors and producers, including the creators of the popular Netflix series, “Black Mirror.”

While the newest version of the show sports some stylistic changes, the fundamental properties remain, including the premise upon which each episode is based: A universe where anything can happen.

Perhaps the most interesting addition to the show is the introduction of Jordan Peele as producer and narrator for the rebooted series.

With a growing repertoire in horror —“Get Out” and “Us,” two highly successful feature films—Peele is riding that momentum and putting his enigmatic mark on a beloved franchise.

Reboots seem to make up a large part of the television market these days, such as “Fuller House,” “Roseanne,” and “Will and Grace.” Of course, a lot of them find it hard to capture the same spirit of the predecessor.

Even so, it’s safe to say that “The Twilight Zone” of 2019 is in capable hands, ready to captivate and terrify a contemporary audience.

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