Musicians Union Presents Fall Showcase

Washington College’s Musicians Union presented their fall showcase on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 7:30 p.m. in Hotchkiss Recital Hall. The showcase is an opportunity for members to get performing experience in a semi-formal event. 

This year, 15 artists performed 17 pieces, including Musicians Union President, junior Berkleigh Fadden and Vice President, junior Danny Pamatary (top), junior Sarah Bowden (bottom, right) and sophomore Margaret Poppiti (bottom, left).

“I am so proud of everyone who chose to perform,” Fadden said. “We are part of a community that keeps the performing arts alive at WC.”

Musicians Union hosts showcases every semester, so for those interested in seeing what Musicians Union performers are up to next, be on the look-out for emails from the Department of Theatre and Dance, or follow them on Instagram @wac_musiciansunion.

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