Student Spotlight quarantine edition: Teddy Friedline

By Emma Russell

Student Life Editor

Hometown: Laurens, SC

Where you’re quarantining: Greenville, SC

Major(s): English

Minor(s): Creative Writing, Art and Art History

Year: Class of 2022

Clubs/Organizations: Secretary of SAGE

Plans after Washington College: “Grad school, hopefully an MFA program in the Philly area,” Friedline said.

Plans after COVID-19: “A nice gathering with all my friends with board games, music, and snacks,” they said.

What’s been keeping you busy during quarantine: “Animal Crossing, I’ve had a ton of extra time to work on getting my island looking gorgeous for all the seasons,” they said.

Learned something new: “I’ve started watching a bunch of YouTube channels about building your own PC, does that count?” Friedline said.

Your quarantine show, movie, and/or book: “The Collected Tales of H. P. Lovecraft”

Work/Internship: N/A

Fun Fact: “Despite the whale shark being the largest fish in the world, its throat is only as big around as a quarter,” Friedline said.

The thing you were looking forward to the most about WC: “Seeing all my friends again, and spending time in the Lit House,” they said.

Advice for students in quarantine: “Honestly, rearranging your space can be a big help, even if it’s still the same space you’ve been occupying all year,” they said. 

Featured Photo caption: Photo of junior Teddy Friedline. Photo Courtesy of Teddy Friedline.

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