By Emma Russell
Student Life Editor
Hometown: North Canaan, Conn.
Where you’re quarantining: North Canaan, Conn.
Major(s): Theatre
Minor(s): Arts Management
Year: Junior
Clubs/Organizations: Symphonic Band
Plans after Washington College: “Get some kind of apartment, probably with some friends, and attempt to get work in theatre or film while spending my spare time working on my fiction writing,” Abbott said.
Plans after COVID-19: “Seeing my friends again is high on the list,” she said.
What’s been keeping you busy during quarantine: “Work, mostly, although I have been working on hand sewing stuffed animals,” she said.
Learned something new: “How to make sourdough bread from scratch,” Abbott said.
Your quarantine show, movie, and/or book: “Supernatural”
Work/Internship: Deli, Bakery, and Pastry Worker at a specialty foods store
Fun Fact: Two-time National Novel Writing Month winner
The thing you were looking forward to the most about WC: “Getting inside the Lit House, to be honest,” Abbott said.
Advice for students in quarantine: “Remember to take some time to just detox and breathe. It can be really hard to do that with everything that we have to stress about, but your mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being and your brain can use some time to reset every now and then,” she said.
Featured Photo caption: Photo of junior Em Abbott. Photo Courtesy of Em Abbott.