By Emma Russell
Student Life Editor
Whether students are on campus or at home, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult for students to connect socially with their peers.
According to Georgia Geen, a reporter for the LA Times, “It might get harder to stay in touch with some of your friend groups when you don’t see each other every day. Not only will joining a student group keep you involved and in-the-know, it’ll give you a reason to talk with your peers regularly.”
“Online classes, homework and the stress of living in a pandemic will take its toll but finding an outlet outside of schoolwork is worth the scheduling it’ll necessitate,” Geen said.
Luckily for Washington College students, there is no shortage of clubs for students to join.
The CampusGroups website is a great way for students to search for clubs and events.
According to the Student Clubs and Organizations page on the WC website “CampusGroups is designed to foster an online community for WC student organizations and includes many ways to engage and interact with the WC community.”
It’s also important for students to check their email, as clubs are constantly sending school-wide emails encouraging students to come to meetings.
In the last few weeks the Philosophy Club, Musicians’ Union, Makers’ Union, EROS, Wildlife Conservation Club, and WIGS have all sent emails encouraging students to attend their club’s interest meeting.
While many of these interest meetings have already passed, it’s never too late for students to join a club that’s of interest to them.
Students can search through all the clubs available at the College on the CampusGroups website which will also provide them with the board of officers for each club that they can contact if they have any questions about the club or wish to join.
The CampusGroups website allows students to narrow down their search for specific clubs in certain categories of interest, such as community service, religion, or sports.
For example, a student interested in joining a social club might consider Cleopatra’s Sisters.
According to their CampusGroups page, “Cleopatra’s Sisters is a club of sisterhood and service for women, particularly women of color and of different cultures, but not exclusive to these groups, here on campus. The eight principles of the Cleopatra’s Sisters are: sisterhood, love, respect, patience, endurance, peace, confidence, and unity. These principles empower not only our sisters, but also our greater society.”
Students interested in joining or learning more about Cleopatra’s Sisters should contact President senior Jiruwak Tolessa.
Students more interested in community service should check out groups like the Campus Garden, whose goal, according to their CampusGroups page, is “achieving food security through ecological design.”
Students interested in joining or learning more about the Campus Garden should contact President junior Annalie Bush.
For students looking for a club to join in hopes of expanding their social circle, visit the CampusGroup website: