New Station ‘Rooted’ provides much-needed variety to students with dietary needs

By Lexi MeolaElm Staff Writer There is a new station at Hodson Dining Hall and it…

Let’s get physical! How to maintain a fitness routine on campus

By William YanesElm Staff Writer College can be a wonderful time of growth as you meet…

Sailing team takes on Chesapeake Invitational

By Jordan FairchildElm Staff Writer On Saturday, Sept. 18, the Washington College sailing team competed in…

Men’s and women’s soccer begin Conference play

By Lauren ZedlarElm Staff Writer The Washington College women’s soccer team competed last Wednesday, Sept. 15,…

SafeRide announces return, changes prior to restarting

By Megan LoockStaff Writer On Sept. 9, the Washington College SafeRide Organization sent out a campus-wide…

Public Safety, SGA discuss new policy and practices

By Erica Quinones  Editor-in-Chief Questions regarding safety policies concerning alcohol, patrols, and searches on campus arose…

Public Safety Report – 9/10 – 9/17

Four cases of LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS occurred on Sept. 10 at 11:11 p.m. These cases reported…

“Probing Addiction Vulnerability” lecture explores substance use disorder

By Olivia MontesNews Co-Editor Washington College hosted Samuel ‘‘Sam’’ Bacharach, Ph.D. candidate in neuroscience from the…

SGA Minutes – 9/14

1. Senators were sworn in by the Speaker of the Senate. 2. Freshman class officer elections…

SGA Senate sets record for number of incoming representatives

By Cecilia Cress and Olivia MontesNews Co-Editors The 2021-2022 Student Government Association began hosting in-person Senate…