Men’s and women’s rowing lead on the Chester

By Jensyn Hartzell
Sports Editor

The Washington College men’s and women’s rowing teams hosted St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s Seahawks and Catholic University’s Cardinals on the Chester River on Oct. 9 for their official season openers.

According to the WC Athletics website, the regatta was reported to have light wind and good conditions on the water.

The Shoremen were victorious in the regatta, defeating both the Seahawks and Cardinals. WC’s Varsity Eight ended with a time of 15:30 in first, the Cardinals’ V8 placed second at 16:07, the Cardinals’ second V8 took third place at 17:09, and the Seahawks’ V8 placed fourth with a time of 17:31.

The Shoremen’s V8 included, in order of seating, sophomore Emmett Wurster, sophomore Garrett Cole, senior Eric Botti, sophomore Eli Bisco-Werner, senior Max Moore, junior Nate Gardner, freshman Hunter Frederick, senior Sean Curry, and freshman Felipe Tassara at the cox.

The Shoremen’s V8 were able to place second in their regatta with a time of 18:04 behind the Seahawks’ V8 at 18:03. Third place was taken by the Cardinals’ V8 at 18:15.

Included in the Shorewomen’s V8, in order of seating, were sophomore Natalie Wisnoski, senior Kirti Post, junior Mackenzie Westfield, senior Cassidy Predale, junior Brooklyn Horine, senior Analiese Bush, junior Sophia Rooks, senior Caroline Jackson, and junior Emma Radinsky at the cox.

On Sunday, Oct. 17, the men and women’s rowing teams travelled to Fairfax Station, Va. to compete in the Occoquan Chase Regatta, hosted by George Mason University.

The University of Virginia Cavaliers boats took first, second, and third with times of 17:50, 17:51, and 17:57 in the Varsity Four race. The Shoremen, respectively, took fourth and fifth place with their first and second V4 boats with times of 18:18 and 18:36.

The first V4 included Curry, Gardner, Botti, Wurster, and Tassara on the cox.

In the eight person boat race, the Shoremen’s V8 placed fifth again with a time of 16:42 behind the Cavaliers and the Bucknell University Bisons. The WC V8 boat included the same Shoremen previously mentioned.

The Shorewomen rowed against in-Conference rivals Franklin & Marshall College and other non-Conference rivals. In the eight person boat race, the Shorewomen finished in 14th with a respective time of 22:59.

The V8 boat, in order of seating included junior Maura Weitz, sophomore Keira Anderson, junior Mariama Keita, freshman Jordan Hyde, freshman Larissa Conte, sophomore Dori McMenamin, freshman Amy MacNair, freshman Caroline Wilking, and sophomore Kamden Richardson at the cox.

The Shorewomen also competed in the four person boat races, in which they placed 15th at 22:05 and 18th at 22:43.

The V4 boat, in order of seating, included Wisnoski, junior Amelia Bonsib, sophomore Ella Yeigh, Post, and sophomore Farah Nasir at the cox. The second V4 boat included freshman Lauren Kidder, junior Isabelle Bigelow, senior Skyler Hancock, Jackson, and junior Olivia Payne at the cox.

Both the Shoremen and Shorewomen teams will close out their fall season on Friday, Oct. 22 on the Chester River for the Chester River Sprints.

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