Freshmen class prepares for class officer elections

By Noah Vargas

Elm Staff Writer

The Class of 2026 completed their first couple of weeks on campus, and with this, elections for freshmen class officers draws near.

The Student Government Association is extremely excited about this, especially with all of the interest that the freshman class has shown in getting involved with the campus community. The candidates have been tabling in Hodson Hall over the past couple of weeks, getting students familiar with the organization and signing people up to be senators. On Tuesday, Sept. 13, SGA hosted an open house, which introduced the students to the different types of committees on the SGA that students can join.

Multiple freshmen who are running for class officer positions attended, with ideas on how to improve the class of 2026, and even the school overall.

“I want to be able to represent all y’all on campus… I just want to make sure that everyone loves it here,” presidential candidate freshman Brandon Edgerly said.

These sentiments were echoed by the other runners, including vice presidential candidate freshman Keegan Enzor. “I’m really excited to kind of be the voice of my class,” Enzor said. “I really want to get to know the students, the issues that are going on, and how to get in touch with faculty members to fix whatever issues that may come up.”

Freshman Carol Olivarez, another vice presidential candidate, wants to get the class involved with other clubs and organizations. “I’m excited to run for this position because I’ll be working with different organizations and clubs as well as the student body to figure out how everything works. I look forward to planning student events to get more people involved,” Olivarez said.

Secretary candidate freshman Brook Thomas is all about helping the community. “I want to join the service committee or partner with organizations like the Minary’s Dream Alliance for service projects,” Thomas said.

Parliamentarian senator Maegan White has all of the information one will need for the upcoming election.              “Freshman class officer elections are just around the corner, on September 27. Voting will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Just like we do with every other election, we’re gonna chalk the cater walk, have Dunkin’ Donuts and ‘I VOTED’ stickers, as well as people tabling in Hodson to help you vote,” White said. “The link is going to be sent out to all freshmen at 10 a.m. on that Tuesday. Freshmen will be able to log in to Campus Groups through that link and vote for their preferred candidates.”

According to White, “it’s a really awesome opportunity for freshmen to get involved from the start and have a say in who’s representing them for the rest of the year. There’s a lot of other opportunities that freshmen can take advantage of to learn more about the people running for class officer.”

 On Wednesday, Sept. 21, SGA will be hosting a ‘Meet the Candidates’ night located in Hodson Hall.

There will be tables lining the stairwell that leads into the dining hall. Candidates for the freshmen class officers will be stationed here for students to learn about their initiatives.

For more information, students can email the SGA at

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