Western Shore renovations coming to the College for fall semester

By Grace Apostol

News Co-Editor

            Several implementations are occurring in Washington College’s Western Shore residential halls for the 2023-2024 school year.

            According to WC News, the 11 Western Shore buildings will showcase suites with full kitchens and updated living rooms, each with “a media center, coffee table, end table, couch, and two chairs.” These furniture choices were aided in selection by a survey that students filled out.

            The discussion around residential life renovations began two years ago when Director of Residential Life Amy Sine, the Residential Life department, Buildings and Grounds, and Finance department were making plans to aid in creating a “positive impact on the student experience.”

            “We knew we wanted to focus on renovating the residence halls,” Sine said. “At that time planning began for Reid [Hall], Minta [Martin Hall], and Western Shore. We wanted to focus on both first year halls and our returning student experiences.”

            Due to this plan, last summer’s renovations focused on the Reid and Minta Martin residential halls, whereas this upcoming summer will be devoted to renovating the Western Shore buildings.

            “We have heard that more and more students would like to have a more independent living option and so we are hoping that this change will provide that option for students,” Sine said.

            Residential Life Community Coordinator Mike Nichols ’22 agreed with Sine’s sentiments, saying that these new renovations in Western Shore halls will transition students into adult life.

            “With the upcoming renovations to the Western Shore, we’ll see living options that are especially beneficial in transitioning students from dorm living to more traditional apartment living which will better prepare them for life post-college,” Nichols said.

            Nichols said WC’s residential life is meant to be a “safety net” for students to test out living styles before graduating.

            “It’s important that we minimize the shock from graduating college into ‘traditional adulting’ by developing a track that supports students and enables them to seamlessly bridge that gap,” he said.

            Sine said students will be able to utilize this environment to create a welcoming space.

            “Overall, I think a new renovated living space and furniture will help to create a safe and welcoming environment that will make students happier and become a place they call home,” she said.

            The renovations for Western Shore will begin after graduation on May 21.

Elm Archive Photo

Photo Caption: The Western Shore dorms are next on the College’s list of buildings to be renovated.

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