SGA approves alterations to its governing documents, amends legislation

By Sophie Foster News Co-Editor The Student Government Association will be making alterations to its governing…

Title IX process revisited by College

By Grace Apostol News Co-Editor On Monday, January 23, Washington College’s Office of Student Affairs and…

Changes Discussed Regarding Student Academic Misconduct

By Brooke Schultz and Molly Igoe Editor-in-Chief and News Editor Washington College is revising its withdraw policy…

SGA Bylaws Change for 2017-18

By Cassandra Sottile Elm Staff Writer Washington College’s Student Government Association made changes to their constitution and…

Meal Plan Changes Slated for 2017-18

By Amy Rudolph Elm Staff Writer Each month, Dining Services gives Washington College students a unique…

You’ve Got Mail? Students React to New System

By Grace Arenas Elm Staff Writer Returning students arrived on campus in August to find a…

ManageMyID: Some Students Don’t Buy It

By Lindsay Haislip News Editor Starting this year, WC has implemented a new program called ManageMyID,…

WC Course Registration Goes Digital

By Natalie Butz News Editor Starting this fall, Washington College students will be required to register…