Recognize the unsung African American heroes in history

By Christian Yosef Elm Staff Writer Many Americans are familiar with the accomplishments achieved by iconic…

The rise of Secular Buddhism in America

Is it the new mindset for the 21st century or cultural mishandling? By John Linderman Elm…

Historical Society of Kent County seeks student volunteers

          By Olivia Montes Elm Staff Writer From the annual Tea Party…

Looking at the History Between African-American Communities and Christianity

By Katy Shenk Elm Staff Writer On Monday, Nov. 7, the Institute of Religion, Politics, and Culture…

Soccer Continues Making History

By John Niswander Elm Staff Writer The Shoremen have found themselves in numerous amounts of close…

Lincoln’s Legacy Continues in Striner’s New Book

By Eric Dubrow Elm Staff Writer Professor of History Richard Striner, although primarily an expert in…