“To mask or not to mask:” mandates and testing needed at WC

By Belle Leiphart Elm Staff Writer As the world approaches the start of its third year…

Fall 2021 semester still uncertain, planning in progress with July set for official announcement

By Erica Quinones News Editor With the spring 2021 semester ending, returning students await the official…

Preparing to return to an in-person college experience next fall

By Olivia Montes Lifestyle Editor On April 9, the Washington College Contingency Planning Group announced that…

WC plans for bringing students back on campus

By Anastasia Bekker Elm Staff Writer On April 9, the Washington College Contingency Planning Group announced…

Campus enters green alert, lifts some restrictions on communal spaces and outdoor gatherings

By Erica Quinones News Editor After weeks of reduced operations, Washington College entered green alert on…

Support Chestertown’s small businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic

By Olivia Montes Lifestyle Editor The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the United States, local businesses…

Social life at a distance: how to connect with friends during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Anastasia Bekker Elm Staff Writer  A person’s social life can be a huge part of…

WC’s Athletic training room’s new procedures

By Lauren Zedlar Elm Staff Writer  As all Washington College athletics have returned to practicing on…

WC’s student-athletes on returning to practices

By Julia Sparco  Elm Staff Writer  Currently, almost all Washington College sports teams are practicing and…

WC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has so far been effective and responsible

By Megan Loock Elm Staff Writer On Oct. 16, 2020, the Washington College Response Team announced…