The process behind cutting offensive TV episodes, explained

By Olivia Montes Lifestyle Editor     With the police-related attack of Jacob Blake, as well as the…

Why we should still read/watch the news

Victoria Gill-Gomez Opinion Editor Three articles to read and 30 minutes of television to watch a…

The Goose and Gander: “bad boys and girls”

By Gabby Rente and John Linderman Lifestyle Editor and Elm Staff Writer It is a trope…

Disney + brings magic to streaming services

By Carlee Berkenkemper Elm Staff Writer Nov. 12 marked the launch of Disney+, the latest competitor…

The Portrayal of Disabilities in Media and Films

Or rather, the lack thereof. How can we watch films with misrepresentation? By Olivia Montes Elm…

Boycotting Problematic Artists; How Much is Your Money Really Worth?

By Brooke Schultz Editor-in-Chief Put your money where your mouth is. That adage has only become more…