Make the best of your semester with these ins and outs for spring 2023

By Liv Barry Lifestyle Editor There is no better time to rejuvenate your routine than the…

“Back to WAC”: Fighting burnout amid the last week of the spring semester

By Kaitlin Dunn Elm Staff Writer As the semester comes to an end, many Washington College…

“Back to WAC”: Springing forth into a new season on campus

By Kaitlin Dunn Elm Staff Writer The first day of spring is around the corner, and…

Social life at a distance: how to connect with friends during the COVID-19 pandemic

By Anastasia Bekker Elm Staff Writer  A person’s social life can be a huge part of…

“Back to WAC”: Maintaining mental wellness on campus

By Kaitlin Dunn Elm Staff Writer With the COVID-19 pandemic raging across the country, it is…

Campus Voices: How are you doing back on campus?

By Emma Russell Student Life Editor At the end of January some students moved back to…

WC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has so far been effective and responsible

By Megan Loock Elm Staff Writer On Oct. 16, 2020, the Washington College Response Team announced…

12 Days of Quarantine with the help of Washington College Athletics

By Lauren Zedlar Elm Staff Writer As students returned to campus, they were required to quarantine…

College planning distribution of HEERF II COVID-19 relief funds to students in spring semester

By Emma Reilly Elm Staff Writer In a campus email sent by the Director of Student…

“Back to WAC”: What to expect when coming back to campus for the spring semester

By Kaitlin Dunn Elm Staff Writer  As Washington College’s quarantine comes to an end, and the…